Lying in a flat valley surrounded by hills not far from the town of Rojales, La Marquesa Golf Course was opened in 1989. There has been substantial development around it and it can be a little difficult to find for the first time visitor.

This course has been described as being very similar to a municipal golf course in the UK.The course is quite comfortable without excess difficulties,with altering long and short holes. Greens are not too distant from the tee offs make this course uncomplicated and easy to complete.


Hole 1 Par 4, 384 Metres,
This hole is quite a long par 4 to open with and from an elevated tee it plays as a slight dog leg to the right. Its Driver from the tee across a ditch, the fairway is lined with trees both sides. The main trouble on this hole is up the right side of the fairway, there is a wide deep ditch that runs from tee to green and beyond. This green is quite flat but well protected by bunkers. There are two short left, one front right and one to the back of the green.
Hole 2 Par 5, 475 Metres,
This hole is lined with trees both sides of the fairway from tee to green, watch out for the ditch over to the right. From the tee it’s your driver to this wide fairway but watch out for the large flat bunker down the left side as it can come into play from the tee. Once on the fairway the safe play is to hit a long iron or rescue club just short of the fairway bunker in the middle of the fairway, this will leave you a short shot onto the green. If you decide to have a go at the green in two shots watch out for the cross ditch about 50 metres short of the green as it runs across the fairway just passed the bunker. This green is protected by 5 bunkers placed all around the green so par at this one is good.
Hole 3 Par 4, 317 Metres,
Cross the road and passed the putting green to the next tee. This is a short par 4 played from an elevated tee. There are trees and out of bounds down the right side of this fairway, to the left side there are two bunkers very close together they can come into play from the tee. This green is narrow to play to and has 5 bunkers around it. This is a good birdie chance.
Hole 4 Par4, 316 Metres,
From the tee its your driver but don’t go to the right side of the fairway as there is a tall steep rock face that runs up this side and there is also out of bounds. Down the left side there are two fairway bunkers that come into play from the tee. Once on the fairway its only a short iron to a long narrow green, this hole offers a good birdie chance.
Hole 5 Par 3, 169 Metres,
This is a good short hole, from a high tee position you play down to the green which is protected by three bunkers to the left and one front right. This green is large and soft with many slopes on it, so club selection is all important from this tee.
Hole 6 Par 4, 376 Metres,
This par 4 plays about one club more than it looks for your second shot to the green. It’s a driver from the tee and although the fairway is quite wide you need to watch out for the palm trees and out of bounds down the right hand side. Down the left side you have more palm trees and there are two fairway bunkers down the left side which are flat and difficult to see from the tee. Just short of the green there is a large bunker to clear to find the putting surface. There are two more bunkers at this green one back left and one back right. This green is very long and wide and slopes from back to front and from right to left.
Hole 7 Par 4, 376 Metres,
Cross over the road to the tee, this par 4 is the same length as the last hole and its driver from the tee. There is more out of bounds down the right hand side and one bunker that comes into play from the tee right side to. Down the left you have palm trees and this is the best line of attack to the green. There are two bunkers at each side of this two tiered green, it slopes from back to front so its easy to stop the ball close to the pin.
Hole 8 Par 4, 344 Metres,
This hole plays as a sharp dog leg to the left. From the tee you can see two small bridges one left the other to the right and these bridges are for crossing the wide ditch that runs from left to right across this fairway. The safe play from the tee is to hit about a 4 iron to play short of the cross ditch.For the big hitters you can have a go at hitting this green from the tee, but watch out for the trees on your left and the out of bounds on the right. The best line from the tee with your iron is up the middle right side of this wide fairway this will leave you a short iron onto this large flat green. This green is protected by one bunker back side, one bunker right side and two left side.
Hole 9 Par 4, 406 Metres,
This hole plays as a slight dog leg to the right but the fairway is wide on this hole. There is out of bounds down the right side of the fairway and palm trees to the left side. The best line from the tee is down the middle to the corner. There are no bunkers on this hole so it should make life easier. Its a long second shot to this flat green so club selection is all important once again. The only trouble at this green is through the back where you will find a deep water hazard.
Hole 10 Par 5, 472 Metres,
Cross over the road to your right and up to the 10th tee. This is a great par 5 and it will require two long, very well hit shots to reach this green in two. The tee is set above the fairway and the hole plays as a dog leg to the left. This hole is long and very narrow in the landing area from the tee; the fairway also slopes from right to left. Its well worth having a walk up to the crest of the fairway so you can get the best line for your second shot. There is a ditch that runs across this fairway about 100 metres short of the green. The safe play is to keep well short of this and leave your self a good wedge or 9 iron up the green. There are two bunkers at the edge of this plateau green one short left and one front right.
Hole 11 Par 3, 162 Metres,
From the tee you look straight down onto this large green. There is a ditch that runs across the front of the green and round to the right. There is one large bunker left side and one back right. Don’t go long at this hole as there is a steep rocky bank through the back of this green. Make sure you choose the correct club at this hole.
Hole 12 Par 4, 277 Metres,
This is a good looking short par 4. You stand on the tee looking down at the fairway below then up hill to the green. With a well hit drive you can get close to this green depending on which way the wind is blowing. This is a wide tree lined fairway and there is one fairway bunker down the left side of the fairway and can come into play from the tee. There are two bunkers round this green one front left and the other front right.
Hole 13 Par 4, 303 Metres,
This hole is yet another good birdie chance, from the tee its your driver the hole is straight but there is a small water hazard to clear from the tee, the carry over this is about 150 metres (Watch out for the trees to your right). This green is protected by two bunkers to the left side of the green and one large one to the right side. Your approach shot needs to carry all the way over the bunker in the middle of the fairway just short of the green and onto the putting surface. This green is quite large and flat.
Hole 14 Par 4, 371 Metres,
This is quite a long par four and needs a well placed tee shot. The best line from the tee is down the middle left side. Players that hit it down the right side will be blocked out from the green with the second shot as this hole plays as a dog leg left to right and there is a steep rock face down the right side of this fairway. This green is tucked into a corner on the right side of the fairway, with a tall rock face round the right hand edge of the green. There are three bunkers all short of the green but can come into play with a badly hit second shot. Club selection is very important at this hole if you are to make par.
Hole 15 Par 3, 180 Metres,
This is a great par three and to make par at this short hole takes a very well placed tee shot. This green is huge and very wide, it’s a two tiered green and slopes from right to left and from back to front (Very tricky to putt on if your not close to the pin). To the right of the green you have a very steep rock face, through the back of the green you have a very small water hazard and to the left side there is a slope that will kick the ball well away from the green. At the front of the green you have one large bunker that you need to clear to hit the putting surface. Again club selection is very important at this tricky par 3.
Hole 16 Par 5, 491 Metres,
From an elevated tee its your drive and you need a long one here as this hole plays every bit of its 491 metres and is a slight dog leg right down hill. Watch out for the out of bounds down the right side and the trees to the left side of the fairway. Your second shot needs to be hit into a good position down the fairway avoiding the three well placed trees in the middle of this fairway so you can leave a clear line to the green. There is a huge bunker about 20 metres short of this green so I would go up and have a look to see how far to hit the third shot to this flat long green. There are a further two bunkers at this green one back left and one back right.
Hole 17 Par 3, 121 Metres,
This hole plays as stroke index 18 on the score card and should be the easiest hole on the course. Its straight and quite flat with two bunkers left side and one deep bunker right side. This green is large and just takes one good crisp iron shot to make an easy par here.
Hole 18 Par 5, 575 Metres,
Now for the long,long slog home. This hole plays every bit of its 632 yards and takes three good shots to hit this last green. It also plays as stroke index 1 on the score card. From the tee you have a road, Villas and Palm trees with out of bounds all the way down to the green so don’t hit the ball right. This fairway is wide open and more about good ball striking down to the green. There are two fairway bunkers one on the right side which can come into play from the tee and on way down the left side of this fairway.  This green is quite small and is two tiered it slopes from back to front and is soft to land on. The green is also protected by one bunker right side and there is a tree in the middle of this bunker so don’t go there as this will leave you with a very tricky shot to finish with.

There is a small clubhouse with a bar, restaurant and Pro shop. There are practice facilities including a driving range, putting green a short walk from the club house.

Our rating 3 out of 5.

Location: Rojales, Alicante
18 Holes | Par 72 | 6115 metres
Course Designer: Justo Quesada Samper

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